How Safe to Use Chlorine Dioxide For Disinfection

To make water drinkable, chlorine dioxide is widely used in very small quantities. This has the power to disinfect water. It acts as a disinfectant similar to bleach and hence not very much safe when used in large amounts. Since it has the power to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi, chlorine dioxide is widely used in public water treatment facilities. Its high use often damages red blood cells and the lining of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Many researches depict that chlorine dioxide is added to drinking water to protect people from harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. This is the reason it is included in the World Health Organization's guidelines for drinking-water quality. In medical settings, chlorine dioxide gas can be used to help sterilize equipment, surfaces, rooms and tools. It should not be used to treat diseases or ailments. Chlorine dioxide treatment can be a safe and effective solution for peroxidation and disinfection. Chlorine dioxide for disinfection ...